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Pause Your Image Uploads when Collecting Survey Data

Paul King
May 27, 2020

We like chatting with our clients before planning new features. It helps us understand how clients use Flow Mobile Surveying so that we can refocus our priorities.

We recently discovered that a client routinely uses "aeroplane mode" to prevent our app from uploading images in the background and using up their precious data.  

This unexpected behaviour highlights a real need - so we acted on it. You can now pause image uploads. Your survey data syncs with the cloud in real-time.  

For reference:
A single high-resolution image can be 3-6Mb, but the text of War and Peace is 1Mb.

David King gives an overview of image upload pausing in the short video above.


Pausable image uploads are one of many features that make Flow Mobile Surveying the fastest surveying app on the market.

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