Knowledge Base

Mastering Flow Mobile

Software by The King Brothers πŸ”₯

Common Report Warnings


Once you’ve created your asbestos survey report, there may be some warnings that need to be resolved.

Some warnings you may encounter on an Asbestos Survey

Here’s how to resolve each error:

  • ‍"Awaiting final image"
    An attachment has been added to the report but is missing the final image.
    Upload an image to the specified attachment.
  • ‍"Awaiting Quality Control"
    A quality control Sign Off is missing.
    Add a new Sign Off and select the "Quality Control" button.
  • ‍‍"Awaiting results (default to Crocidolite)"
    A sample ID used in an inspection item is not present in the Sample Results section.‍
    Add a Sample Result with the specified Sample ID.
  • "Missing: Extent of Damage / Deterioration"
    An inspection item has 'suspect asbestos' ticked but no 'extent of damage/deterioration' score.
    ‍Enter an 'Extent of Damage / Deterioration' score into the Inspection Item.‍
  • "Missing: Presumed Fibre Type (assuming Crocidolite)"
    An inspection item has a strategy of 'Presume' or 'Strongly Presume' but no 'Presumed Fibre Type'.
    ‍Enter a 'Presumed Fibre Type' into the Inspection Item.
  • ‍"Missing: Product Type (or Debris from Product)"
    An inspection item has 'suspect asbestos' ticked but no 'Product Type (or Debris from Product)' score.
    ‍Enter a 'Product Type (or Debris from Product) score into the Inspection Item.
  • ‍‍"Missing: Sample Id (assuming Crocidolite)"
    An inspection item has an inspection strategy of 'Sample' or 'Cross Reference' but no sample ID.
    ‍Enter a 'Sample ID' into the Inspection Item.
  • "Missing: Strategy (presuming Crocidolite)"
    An inspection item has 'Suspect Asbestos' ticked but there's no 'Strategy'.
    Select an 'Inspection Strategy' and complete the fields which appear in the Inspection Item.
  • "Missing: Surface Type / Treatment"
    An Inspection Item has 'Suspect Asbestos?' ticked, but no 'Surface Type / Treatment' score.
    Enter a 'Surface Type / Treatment' score into the Inspection Item.
  • "Multiple items use this Sample Id"
    The same Sample ID is used in more than one Inspection Item.
    Use unique Sample ID's in each Inspection Item.
  • "Multiple results logged"
    The same Sample ID is used in more than one Sample Result.
    Remove duplicate Sample Result(s).
  • "No inspection item references this sample"
    The Sample ID in Sample Results is not used for any Inspection Item.
    Correct the Sample ID in either the Inspection Item or Sample Results.
  • "There are ACMs present, but you have checked 'Strong evidence room or location does NOT contain asbestos"
    An inspection item has a Sample ID which contains asbestos, however an inspected Location with the same building/level/location has had the "strong evidence" checkbox ticked.
    Review the Inspection Record detailed in the warning to determine the best way to remedy this error.
  • "Unable to calculate Material Score (assuming the worst)"
    An Inspection Item has 'suspect asbestos' ticked, but no 'Product Type (or Debris from Product)', 'Extent of Damage / Deterioration', or 'Surface Type / Treatment' score.
    Enter the missing score(s) into the Inspection Item.
  • "Unable to calculate Priority Score (assuming the worst)"
    An Inspection Item has 'Priority Assessment?' ticked, but not all corresponding scores have been recorded.
    Enter the missing score(s) into the Inspection Item.