Knowledge Base

Mastering Flow Mobile

Software by The King Brothers 🔥

Tagging jobs increases the power of the dashboard search, making jobs easier to find, and they help you communicate important information with your surveying team.

Tags are fully customisable, and you can use any naming convention. But with the freedom to create any tags you want, it's essential to follow some tried-and-tested tag naming practices. In this article, I'll explain some basic tips to follow when creating and naming tags.

Basic pointers

Before we look at some detailed examples, here are some basic pointers of good and bad Tag names.

Good Tag names:

These Tag names are good as they provide some extra information about the job and they're easily re-usable for different jobs.

  • Urgent ✔️
  • Management Survey ✔️
  • No Access ✔️

Poor Tag names:

These Tag names are poor because either: 1) The same information is already available on the job, so they don't add anything new, or 2) They're too specific to a job and can't be re-used.

  • Acme Co (client) ❌ - information already available on job
  • 11 Teapot Studios (address) ❌ - information already available on job
  • Batch 44 ❌ - too specific to a single job

Tags for: Prioritising jobs

If you have a high workload or time-sensitive jobs, you can use Tags to help your team schedule their workload in a sensible order, ensuring they complete high-priority jobs first.

Priority level:

Tagging jobs with their priority level can help you decide which ones to schedule first. Here are some examples:

Priority level Tag examples.

Urgent jobs:

Another approach, rather than giving jobs a priority level, is to simply Tag the urgent jobs for attention.

Urgent Tag examples

On-hold jobs:

You can use Tags to indicate that the job is on-hold, perhaps if it's awaiting input from the client.

On Hold Tag examples

Tags for: Assigning jobs to users

When you have a large team, each with different skills, qualifications, and geographical locations, Tags can help you to match jobs to the best person. 

Qualifications required:

Tagging jobs with the required qualifications ensures you don’t send an unqualified person to the site. e.g.

Qualifications required Tag examples

Branch / Department:

Do you have staff located in different parts of the country? You could Tag jobs with the relevant branch or office if you have a distributed workforce like this.

Branch-Department Tag examples

Tags for: Highlighting job specifics

You can use Tags to communicate extra information about the job to your team. Here are some examples:

Survey type:

Survey Type Tag examples

Property type:

Property Type Tag examples

Access issues:

Access Issues Tag examples

Tags for: Site re-visits & compliance

You can use Tags to indicate whether a site needs revisiting. You can also use Tags to monitor actions like auditing and resurveys, which you may be required to track for compliance reasons.


Revisits Tag examples


Auditing Tag examples


UKAS-accredited companies must re-survey 4% of properties over the year. In this case, it’s helpful to Tag jobs as ‘re-surveyed’ and then run a query to see which jobs have (or have not) been re-surveyed.

Resurveys Tag examples

Tags for: Managing your billing

Although Flow isn’t designed for billing, storing some basic information about the billing state against the job may be helpful.


Quoting Tag examples


Invoicing Tag examples